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Celebrating one year of Women of the Lane

Sat 08 March 2025, 10:00|Tottenham Hotspur

For this year’s International Women’s Day we are delighted to celebrate one year of Women of the Lane - our Official Supporters’ Association for women supporters of the Men’s team.

The group, which provides a touchpoint for women and non-binary Spurs fans to meet up on matchdays and watch games together, has amassed over 600 active members since being formed last year on International Women’s Day.

Women of the Lane organise matchday meet-ups where members walk to and from public transport to the game, and work with both the Club and other women supporters’ groups to raise the voice of women fans across the game.

The Women of the Lane Committee said: “We set this group up to forge connections and shape a fun and supportive culture among the Spurs women fan base. Looking into 2025, we are aiming to double the membership and encourage as many female Spurs fans as possible to join us.”

Our support for Women of the Lane forms part of the Club’s wider commitment to inclusivity and providing a safe environment for women and girls. This includes:

  • Tottenham Hotspur becoming the first Premier League club to sign the Mayor of London’s Women’s Night Safety Charter
  • Our stadium becoming the first Fair Change accredited venue, offering fully accessible baby changing facilities to all caregivers
  • Club representatives and staff joining women fans and local community groups on Haringey’s ‘Walk for Women’ held during the UN’s 16 days of activism against gender-based violence

You can follow Women of the Lane on Instagram and X (@womenofthelane) and sign up to the mailing list here:

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